Hi again, Erica! We'll try it a different way instead. Let's say hypothetically you wanted to book Le Cellier Steakhouse (my favorite). You'd type in the name of the restaurant in the search box, and get this screen:
HERE. Near the top of the screen (above where it says "Date & Time") you will see this:
Resort Guests & Dining Plan
If you have a Resort reservation or would like to associate your Disney Dining Plan to your dining reservations, please retrieve your resort reservation. (Please be advised that not all restaurants participate in the Disney Dining Plan. Please check your Dining Plan information for participating restaurants.) Retrieve your reservation.
You will click on the blue link that says, "Retrieve your reservation". This will give you a drop down screen with boxes to input your Confirmation number, last name, arrival date and Resort. Then click "Retrieve". This should bring it up for you. From there, each additional reservation you make will be added to your cart until you "check out". Once you have retrieved your reservation, the computer will know your arrival date and will allow you to book 180+10 at that point. If you are not yet 180 days out, it may give you a warning screen that you are not able to book yet.
I hope this works for you, please let me know and I'll continue to help you find a resolution if it doesn't,