Hey there Darius! Welcome to planDisney.
The health and safety of Guests and Cast Members remain a priority for Disneyland Resort. Currently, the State of California strongly recommends that all Guests be fully vaccinated or obtain a negative COVID-19 test prior to entering the Disneyland Resort. However, this is currently not required. There are no testing sites on Disneyland Resort property, but I am sure you would be able to find options outside the parks in Anaheim. Please do whatever it is that you feel comfortable with.
Currently, all Guests (ages 2 and up) are required to wear face coverings when indoors, including many attractions and resort transportation. Please check the
Experience Updates page to stay on top of the most current and updated information.
Darius, I hope this information is helpful as you are planning your visit to The Happiest Place on Earth. Please let us know if there are any other questions you have along the way. See ya real soon!