Hi there Courtney! I am so sorry to hear about your father's injury but, glad he is planning on joining you for a trip to Walt Disney World!!
You mentioned that your dad can only walk short distances and so, I would recommend checking out this link to the
Disney website regarding rentals for wheelchairs and electric convenience vehicles (ECV's). As much as he may wish to not utilize one of these devices, remind your father that a Disney vacation is known for lots of walking and that this option might better enable him to see and do more with less discomfort.
Regarding a Guest Assistance Card, simply check out this link to my recent answer for a guest with similar concerns on the
Walt Disney World Disney Moms Panel website. I also listed a couple of unofficial resources that you may wish to review too.
for taking the time to visit us at the Walt Disney World Moms Panel and
feel free to send more questions our way in the days leading up to your
trip! May your Disney vacation be
practically perfect in every way!