Greetings Harriett!
Welcome to planDisney! I would love to help you finalize details of your
Alaskan itinerary on the Disney Wonder. After polling my family, we all agree that our Alaskan voyage was our best cruise so far. I hope you will soon be saying the same!
All that I see on the
Disney Cruise Line website concerning debarkation day testing is as follows: “All unvaccinated Guests on 5-night and longer sailings are required to take a COVID-19 antigen test (paid for by Disney Cruise Line) on the ship the day before debarking.”
Because of this current wording, I would suggest that you make your own plans for testing and structure your return flights around getting those results back so you can fly to the U.S. I am certain that as these itineraries get closer, we may know more about the protocols Captain Mickey plans to follow. I just cannot make any promises at this time that Disney Cruise Line will offer testing onboard for vaccinated Guests.
I am presuming that the
Vancouver International Airport will also be offering COVID testing, but I am unsure the type of testing and how quickly you will have the results. Having recently flown back from both Spain and France, I was able to easily find testing that met the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the State Department requirements for re-entry into the United States. So I imagine the testing you need will be plentiful and readily available.
This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to cruise planning for Alaska...or should I say glacier? Either way, cruise back to planDisney if you have any additional questions.
Happy Sailing!