Hi Lesley!
My family will be arriving in WDW only one day after you leave! We love to visit Disney this time of year because school has just let out in New Orleans and the parks aren't yet swarming with visitors.
I LOVE the
Caribbean Beach Resort and have stayed there several times. Unfortunately, it is a big resort and nearly all of the rooms require a good bit of walking to reach Old Port Royale, the food court area. The pirate rooms are amazing, but are located in Trinidad South, which is the absolute furthest area from Old Port Orleans. However, the room decor is so cool, you might not mind the walk! If you are looking for the closest buildings to the food court area, try out the villages of Trinidad North or Martinique. For a great map, as well as room pics, check out
While I am a frequent visitor to Lakeside Mall ( much to my husband's chagrin,) I was actually in Walt Disney World this weekend with my sister! Who knows, maybe I have a twin out there???
Much pixie dust,
Jackie S.