Hi, Abigail! Thanks for bringing your question to the Disney Parks Moms Panel.
I have found that there are two things that are true about every single Walt Disney World vacation I take. First of all, I always have a magical time. Second, I always do A LOT of walking! That being said, I can certainly understand your concerns about traveling around the Walt Disney World theme parks with your little Mouseketeer.
According to the
park rules and regulations section of the Walt Disney World website, wagons are not permitted in the theme parks. This includes wagons that are pushed, such as the Keenz wagons. You may want to take a look at the information about
stroller rentals on the Walt Disney World website. Walt Disney World has double strollers available to rent that can accommodate children up to 100 pounds. I can assure you that I have seen many children riding in these double strollers who are a bit older than what I would normally consider "stroller age." Perhaps one of these double strollers would be large enough for your son to ride in comfortably.
Whether you are walking through the parks or riding in a stroller, taking in all the excitement and fun of Walt Disney World can tire anyone out, adults and children alike. No matter what type of stroller option you decide on, I would recommend comfy shoes for everyone. Also, be sure to build some rest time into your schedule. If you need to rest your feet, sit down to watch a show or have a snack and a cold drink. Taking an afternoon break at your resort hotel for a nap or a dip in the pool is also a great way to recharge.
Wishing you a magical Walt Disney World vacation!