Welcome back, Michelle! So happy to have you visit with us again!
Stitch is one sneaky guy! He can be a bit of trouble to try and catch in the theme parks. Silly guy!
He's often spotted just as you enter the Magic Kingdom near the flagpole, across from City Hall in Town Square, just as you mentioned. He currently doesn't have a set time for meeting his favorite fans, so be sure to check your
My Disney Experience app often while you are in the park.
To check, log in on your mobile device, click on the map at the top of the screen. Then click on the drop-down arrow at the top of the screen and select characters. You can then filter your search by theme park and choose to see a list of each character meeting and greeting and their location.
Just keep your eyes open in each of the parks, as Stitch may make an appearance at any time. Hopefully, sometime soon he will have a permanent place at the parks to meet guests.
Have a blast planning your upcoming trip! Here's to hoping you and your son have a chance to give Stitch a huge hug!