Bright Suns Iddo,
Welcome to planDisney. I’m so sorry to hear that your young Padawan’s lightsaber has been fractured. The hilt is where the lightsaber's power resides, so it is definitely essential to get it repaired. Creating a
lightsaber is such a personal and unique process, and I’m sure he is more than a little disappointed. Only the ancients know why some lightsabers survive their journeys home and why some do not.
But do not fear youngling because, as Master Yoda says, “Fear is the path to the dark side.” I reached out to a Cast Member who was strong with the Force, and they said that you can get in touch with the parts Gatherers via the Mail Order Merchandise department. They are available from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Eastern Monday - Friday and can be reached at 1-877-560-6477 or via email at They should be able to help you reconstruct your lightsaber to its magnificent glory so your Padawan can harness the Force and help the Resistance against the First Order.
As always, May the Force be With You!
‘Til the Spires’
Ashley F.