Hello and welcome to
planDisney, Ashely. I'm so glad you've stopped by with your question.
Ashely, getting dropped off at the Transportation & Ticket center so you can make your way over to
Magic Kingdom Park is relatively simple. You'll have your driver head toward the TTC. You will need to stop at the attendant booths first. Once there, you'll tell the Cast Member helping you that you are just getting dropped off. There is no charge for doing this. The Cast Member will direct you on which way you'll want to head as Guest drop-off is in a different location than the regular parking lot area. The drop-off area is toward the very front of the parking lot located fairly close to the security. Then, your driver will proceed toward the exit area. Please be aware that your driver will not have access to the parking lot. If your driver wishes to park their car and head to the theme park as well, they'll need to go back through the ticket attendant booths, pay and then head toward the Guest parking areas.
When you are ready to be picked up, Ashley, your driver will go through the same process. You'll head back via the
monorail or
boat over to the Transportation & Ticket Center. Your driver will stop at those same attendant booths, explain that they are picking someone up and process to the area where you were dropped off.
It's very easy once you get there. Everything is clearly marked and Cast Members are all around and can help direct you if need be.
I hope this helps ease your mind about getting dropped off, Ashely. If you have any other questions about this or anything else, please feel free to stop back by and
ask me. I'm here to help.
Have fun!
Jackie H.