Welcome to planDisney Diana. Thank you for stopping by with your question.
Planning for a
runDisney event is the type of planning and preparation we planners can really run with.
The Walt Disney World Marathon is one of the most popular events on the calendar. One of the best parts about the run is finding an outfit that represents your Disney style. Some folks go all out and do a whole costume. Of course, you will always want to go over the guidelines for costumes if you want to go that route. If you do not plan on going to those lengths you can do what is called a Disney bound. You select clothing that represents a character with the specific colors they have in the clothes they wear. For example, if you wanted to do Minnie Mouse you could do black, red, and find something with white polka dots to complete the look. You have some time between today and your race dates. I am not sure what your reason for looking to make a change. But if for some reason it is you don’t think you can do it, think of Steve Rogers while you train to reach your goal of obtaining that medal and finishing time. It may not be the same type that Captain America gets but you will be able to beam when you wear the rest of the day.
Due to the popularity of these events, they sell out very fast. You cannot switch dates or events once you have purchased one. The entry fees are unfortunately non-refundable and non-transferable. All of the races at this point are sold out. The only race available for purchase is the Virtual Races.
Sorry, I was not able to give you the news you may have been looking for. I however do hope you will be able to attend the event and complete the race in your personal best time. If you have any other questions visit us again at
See ya real soon,
Jeremy A.