Hi there, Anita!
For a four-night stay, you can certainly consider each option. It really all comes down to what your travel party intends to eat (how much, where, etc.).
Disney Dining Plan would require you to purchase the Deluxe level to maximize your time in signature dining establishment. This plan is good for two types of diners:
Those diners who are dedicated to a traditional three-meals-per-day approach.
Those coming to Walt Disney World particularly for the food. This provides freedom, both in the scope of the restaurants you can choose from, and in the fact that you can order
anything on the menu - even the most expensive item - and not get slammed with "sticker shock" when the check arrives.
Folks with this mindset can certainly lots of signature dining. Consider, for example, a character buffet for breakfast, a light lunch (using a snack credit), and then a signature dining experience for dinner.
The Tables in Wonderland card offers a comprehensive discount after a one-time fee. There are no restrictions on the amount of food items you can purchase, and you will get the discount on items that are excluded from some - if not all - of the Disney Dining Plans (appetizers and alcoholic beverages are included under Tables).
Working with Tables also allows you to pick and choose where and when you go; you do not need to worry about using (or not using) all of your credits. A list of participating restaurants is found here: http://tablesinwonderland.com/
And if you choose to come back during the year of your membership, you'll be able to take advantage of the benefits of the program all over again.
Either way, you can't go wrong!
See you later, celebrator,
-Deborah B.