Hello Melissa,
May I begin by wishing you a very warm welcome to planDisney! It's so lovely to see you here today.
Melissa, I have some practically perfect in every way news to share with you concerning the supercalifragilisticexpialidocious shops and stores within the Disney Theme Parks at Walt Disney World Resort.
One of my greatest joys is being able to browse in
all the Disney shops and stores whilst I'm on vacation at the most magical place on earth. Therefore, having just come home from a visit to Walt Disney World Resort, I am able to say that
yes, the shops located in all the Theme Parks are indeed open to Guests!
I'm lucky enough to have recently strolled along Main Street, U.S.A, in the
Magic Kingdom Park, and I did find myself wandering into the
Emporium, which is one of my most favourite shops in the whole wide world! You'll be happy to hear that during my stay, I didn't notice any shop closures at all on Disney property.
However Melissa, do please bear in mind that as we continue
Returning to a World of Magic at Walt Disney World Resort, everything is always subject to change.
I hope I've been able to provide some pixie-dusted reassurance for you today. If you did happen to have any further questions, then please do drop back to visit
me here at planDisney.
Have a great Disney day ~ Jane