Hi Rita!
Your cruise is fast approaching and before you know it you will be onboard with Captain Mickey and Friends heading out on your Alaskan adventure! I am so excited for your family and all the memories you will make during this unforgettable vacation!
Traveling with little ones is so fun but boy, do they require A LOT of gear! When we did an Alaskan cruise, we had a three month old (currently an infant must be 6 months old to cruise) and a sixteen month old. What were we thinking?!?! We had LOTS of supplies with us and I definitely think sending them ahead would have been a huge help! Please note that the Vancouver Cruise Terminal does not accept shipped boxes, so it would need to be shipped to a hotel or another destination and then you can bring it with you to the port for embarkation. And, you can certainly check the box with your luggage, but if it contains any liquids (formula, etc.) then I would recommend removing the liquids before checking the box. Just affix a luggage tag to the box and give it to the porters at the port and they will check it with your other luggage to be delivered. The porters will have extra luggage tags if needed. Also note that the luggage may not be delivered until much later in the day, so if anything is needed immediately, be sure to carry that on too!
Go ahead and book some hours in the
“it’s a small world” nursery! for some adult time and fun for the little one! It’s always nice to enjoy the ship – or head off ship for a few hours – without a little one in tow! Or
use the nursery for naptime, one of my favorite uses of nursery hours!
Happy Sailing!