Ahoy there, Shantelle! Welcome aboard planDisney! It looks like the call of the wild is pulling you and your crew to "America's Last Frontier" this summer! What a fantastic way to instill a love of exploration, adventure, and Disney Cruise Line vacations, of course! Plus, you'll be on the Disney Wonder - my favorite
ship in the fleet - for a week of luxury, fun, and magical memories.
Ok, consider me officially jealous! So let's get to your question before I find myself packing a suitcase myself!
Ah, it seems like you've been paying attention to the
Know Before You Go information! You're correct that the site no longer mentions the requirement for unvaccinated individuals on Alaska itineraries, we wanted to be sure to give you the most up-to-date information possible; so what do the planDisney Disney Cruise Line specialists do in that case? That's right, sail on over to talk to a crew member! Special salute to
my fellow panelist, Adrianna, on this one, who captured the info and sent it my way in a message in a bottle!
While the requirement isn't specifically called-out on the website as of now, the crew members let us know that updated protocols and guidance for unvaccinated guests are in the works and will be released at a later time in advance of the Disney Wonder's Alaska sailing season. So be sure to keep a weather eye on the horizon for that information!
In any case, Alaska itineraries have such amazing
Port Adventures, I know I'd want to book one in
every Port of Call! From dredging for gold and the White Pass Railway in Skagway, to becoming a glacier explorer at Dawes Glacier and everything in-between, Alaska has so much to see, and Port Adventures are always my suggestion of how to do as much as possible! If you haven't looked into which will lead you to what you'd like to see, I highly suggest you do so - and have the entire family pick their favorites!
I hope that helps as you get ready to pack your bags - and possibly your coat - for an adventure you and your crew will never forget! Thank you so much for your question, Shantelle! If you think of any others as you continue planning, please drop me another line here at planDisney!
Until then, remember: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE!