Welcome to the Disney Parks Moms Panel, Michelle, we thank you for this excellent question!
Rider Switch service for select attractions, is helpful for Guests with youngsters, or other Guests unable to ride and designed to afford as inclusive an experience as possible. My personal experience in using this service, was that I had to wait in a designated area with a
Ride Switch pass. I felt that I had to remain in that area for the most effective and expeditious use of the Rider Switch service, Michelle, as wait times do vary. To help with rumbly tumblies, may I suggest you bring along a couple of snacks and favored, portable toys while you wait with your little one? I don’t recommend leaving the designated waiting area, but please consult with the attending Cast Member for any possible allowances, or accommodations.
May I offer Disney’s
Planning for Pre-School Kids in preparation for your visit? This helpful resource contains suggestions for suitable attractions, sample itineraries, tips and advice for
Best Day Ever experiences and much more!
Michelle, I used to love visiting the
Baby Care Centers at all Disney Theme Parks to change, rest and feed my little ones and hope you have a chance to visit as well. These fully staffed facilities feature a variety of helpful amenities which you may find useful, Michelle.
We hope you find this information helpful and we would be thrilled to assist with your planning again soon!
Best Disney Wishes!