Ahoy there Helen!
I've got a confession to make...I often catch myself humming the
Jake and the Never Land Pirates theme song. To be fair, it's a catchy tune!
I've got some good news for you - your son most certainly can get a Jake-themed transformation at the Pirates League. When I was in Walt Disney World a few months ago, I happened to see a boy that just had the Jake makeover and it looked totally awesome!
As you may already know, the services and costumes are available in a variety of packages or are sold via a la carte pricing. I'm not sure what the current conversion rate is for U.S. Dollars to gold de bloons, so unfortunately I can't offer any help with the prices at this time.
Here's a little tip from your buddy Derek:
Since your son is a fan of
Jake and the Never Land Pirates, be sure to check out
Captain Jack Sparrow's Pirate Tutorial when you're done with your session at the Pirates League. He'll love it!
I hope that helps! If you should have any other questions, please feel free to let me know and I'll be happy to help in any way that I can.
Best regards,