Hi Donna! Thank you for bringing your great question to the Disney Parks Moms Panel.
Cast Members do periodically tidy up the stroller parking areas to make room for additional strollers and to keep walkways clear. You may not find your stroller exactly where you left it, but don't panic! It will likely be just a few steps away.
Rental strollers do come with a placard where you can add your name to identify which one is yours. To make it easier to find, attach something colorful to the handles. A classic option is a Mickey balloon, but anything brightly colored is great. I brought along a roll of neon orange ribbon to tie on mine. I've also seen other guests use holiday garland, brightly colored scarves or bandannas, luggage handle wraps or tags, and brightly colored stroller toys that clip to the handle. For nighttime, try dollar store glow bracelets or battery operated mini holiday lights.
You'll find stroller signs and ribbons on Pinterest and Etsy, as well as printable signs. A quick internet search for "Disney stroller signs" should turn up lots of ideas.
I hope that helps! Check out these other great
stroller tips from the Moms Panel. Please let us know if you have any additional questions as you
plan your Walt Disney World Resort vacation. Enjoy!
Anne Marie