Greetings Laura! Welcome to planDisney. Thanks for bringing your question to us. I'm happy to help!
Navigating My Disney Experience can be tricky at times. Before I start to guide you through the steps of removing a Guest from your My Friends & Family List, I recommend using the My Disney Experience website on a desktop or laptop computer rather than the
My Disney Experience Mobile App; I tend to have more success using the web version when trying to resolve ticket or planning party issues.
You are correct that you cannot remove a Guest from your My Friends & Family list if they still have "active plans." Active plans could be anything from
MagicBands to
Advanced Dining Reservations to
Resort Hotel reservations. If the Guest does not have a future Resort Hotel or restaurant booking, the culprit is likely an active admission card or Magic Band. To check this, go to My Disney Experience and click on My MagicBands and Cards. Find the Guest you are trying to remove, click on his or her name to see if there are any active, linked MagicBands or Admission Cards. If you see the option to "Deactivate" any of the MagicBands or cards are listed, that means the MagicBand is still active and will need to be deactivated before you can remove the Guest from My Friends & Family. If the Guest in question does not have any active theme park admission, resort, or dining plans, and you are still unable to remove them,
contact a Cast Member specializing in My Disney Experience for assistance. Sometimes they can work magic on their end that we can't access on ours.
Keep in mind that once you remove or delete someone from your Family & Friends list, you cannot undo this action. However, if they have a separate Disney account, you can request to reconnect them to your Friends & Family list.
I hope this helps and you are able to work out this
stitch in your planning. If there is anything else can do to help make your upcoming spring holiday more magical, please stop by and see us again.
Wishing you a great, big, beautiful tomorrow!