Hey Kimberly! Welcome to planDisney. We are so glad you've stopped by with your ticket and reservation question and I would love to help!
Since I cannot be sure where you purchased your tickets or what ticket type you have, I'm going to give you some possible scenarios and hope that one of them brings you the answer you need.
If you purchased your ticket on the Disneyland website, you would have been prompted to pick dates for your ticket during the checkout process. This actually secures your theme park ticket reservation once your purchase is confirmed. If you go in to try to make a reservation you will reach an error message stating something about this ticket exceeds a reservation limit, which is because it already has reservations. To check this, download the
Disneyland app, and log in to your account. Click the three horizontal lines at the bottom right and click on "Tickets and Passes" if your tickets are linked to the account they should show up here. If they are not, click the "+" at the top right and add each ticket to your app with the ticket ID number. Once you have them added, go back to the previous screen and click on "My Future Plans". Here you will hopefully see that you already have reservations and you are all set!
If you do not have theme park ticket reservations showing, you may be unable to make theme park ticket reservations now because there are no more reservations available for the dates you wish, or you may have previously purchased tickets for a day that is a lower tier than the day you are now needing reservations for. If this is the case, I would contact
Ticket Services to check which tier tickets you have. Ticket upgrades are currently being done in person at the Main Street Ticket Booth, but you would also need to make sure that theme park reservations are available for that day before you upgrade, which can be tricky. This is why I recommend double-checking with Ticket Services.
Taking a glance at the
Theme Park Availablity Calendar, this month is filling up fast. If your date is not available, keep checking! Keep checking multiple times a day, especially the day and night before. This is when I've had the most success getting a reservation for a day that's been unavailable previously. The calendar is fluid so it's constantly changing as people book and cancel.
Kimberly, I am crossing my fingers and sprinkling this message with pixie dust in hopes that the first scenario is correct and you actually already have reservations. Thanks again for stopping by!