It's great to see you here today at planDisney, Daniela! With your trip coming up in just a few weeks, it's a great time to start thinking about how and when you're going to book
Lightning Lanes. I'm happy to walk you through some of the final details, and I've got some advice on how to book them as well!
Daniela, it is definitely possible to purchase Lightning Lane Multi Pass for your entire group and also make Lightning Lane Single Pass selections for just the adults in your group. You have the opportunity to create a party when you go through the purchase process, and you can just select the people who will be using each kind of Lightning Lane when you go to make your selections.
Now the big question: which purchase do you make first? I asked a bunch of
my fellow Panelists about the order in which they make their Lightning Lane selections and I got a unanimous answer! We all agree that you should select your Lightning Lane Single Pass return times first. There are more attractions available to choose from with Multi Pass, so it makes sense to make your Single Pass selections first and work everything else around that. However, we also agree that the best-case scenario is that if you have two adults available to book Single Pass and Multi Pass simultaneously. That way, there's no need for one person to complete two different purchase processes, you can have two people do it at the same time using their linked
My Disney Experience accounts!
I hope this answers your questions, Daniela, and please let us know if there's anything else we can do to help you plan your magical vacation.