Welcome to the Disney Parks Moms Panel, Katrina! I visited the Parks several times as a nursing and pumping mother and I hope that you enjoy my solution to milk storage!
I find that the Resort room mini fridges have variable temperatures… some are extremely cold while others are semi-cold at best. The freezer sections, if available, are fairly small. My recommendation to you is to have a cooler with you that you can add ice to. This guarantees a temporary, cold place for your milk. Since there is no other place you can store your milk during your vacation, I suggest you look into Milk Stork for dealing with any volume of milk. This amazing service sends cooler boxes to your Resort Hotel (
a $5 per package fee may apply to packages that are received through the Front Desk), complete with my personal favorite Lansinoh bags for you to fill with milk, should you need them. The special cooler-enabled box has an refrigeration activation button which chills your milk during shipping, and even has a pre addressed FedEx label. All you have to do is fill the box, hit the button and tape it shut. Then, you can drop it at your
Walt Disney World Resort Hotel front desk. Milk Stork gets it to your home overnight. Depending on your needs, you can have the box shipped to a friend that can cool it for you until you return, or to your caregiver at home with your baby.
If I can help you find more solution for shipping at Disney, or perhaps where you can comfortably pump in the parks, please let me know. You’ve got a friend in me! ~ Lindsey P.