Hi Cathy,
I absolutely love your question. Whenever my family vacations, I always make a detailed budget too. Having a budget prepared ahead of time helps me relax and enjoy the vacation so much more.
The price listed for stroller rentals is before tax so you should take that into consideration when making your budget. Because you are a "budget Mom" like me I would like to also point out the Disney featured stroller providers listed at the bottom of the page on the
Walt Disney World Stroller Rentals website.
There are a few of advantages of renting a stroller from a featured provider. First, you will have use of the stroller throughout your entire vacation not just when you are in the theme parks, which can come in very handy when you have a tired child to take back to your Resort hotel. Second, the featured providers are usually less expensive if you will be renting a double stroller or renting for more than a couple of days. And finally with the featured providers you do not have to stop by the stroller rental location in the theme parks each day since your stroller is delivered and picked up directly to your Resort hotel by the featured provider.
I have rented strollers directly from the theme parks as well as from the featured providers and have had great experiences with both.
Thank you for asking your question here at the Disney Parks Moms Panel. Please com back and visit us again if you have any further vacation planning questions. We would love to hEAR from you.
Brenda ºOº