Hi there, Linda! Thanks for deciding to be our planDisney guest once again with another terrific vacation planning question. You've got a friend in me, and I'm happy to help!
It sounds like you're planning a super-special adventure using your
Disney Vacation Club Membership. I definitely approve! Any time is a GREAT time to plan another trip "Home", don't you think?
Banking and borrowing your
Vacation Points is a really wonderful feature of Membership, as both options give you more flexibility to vacation in a way that makes sense for your family.
Linda, another Member once told me to think about each point as a time traveler. Once the point "travels" to a different Use Year via banking or borrowing, it stays there. This metaphor always helps me when I'm thinking through how I want to use my points. There are a few different situations that you describe in your question, so let me break them down for you one at a time!
- You have a December Use Year, so you just received 2023 points on 12/1/23. These points can be banked at any time (and you can make multiple banking transactions) within the first eight months of your Use Year. This means points must be banked by 7/31/24.
- You will receive 2024 points on 12/1/24. They will stay in that Use Year unless you bank or borrow them.
- Remember that you can borrow Vacation Points up to 1 Use Year before your planned travel dates. You don't have to be completely out of points in the current year to borrow!
Because this question is specific to your Membership, I definitely recommend contacting the helpful folks at
Member Services via phone or chat. They can look at the details of your Membership and advise you accordingly.
I hope this information is helpful for your planning purposes, Linda! Thanks again for making a return trip to planDisney--we are always here and happy to help however we can. Wishing you
#thatmagicalfeeling in 2024!
Stay Magical!