Hi Donald!
May is just around the corner and before long you will be at Walt Disney World making memories. I'm so excited for you!
Thanks for coming to the Disney Parks Mom's Panel with your question. It's a good one. There have been times my family has taken advantage of
Extra Magic Hours and felt almost as if we had the Park all to ourselves. Is there anything better than that? Like you, we usually buy Park Hoppers because it gives us the flexibility to strategize a little and bounce around from Park to Park. When planning our time, we usually take into account which attractions we want to see that day, what we think the crowds will be like at each Park, and where Extra Magic Hours are. Every family makes plans according to what works best for them, of course, but here's what my family usually does: If Extra Magic Hours are in the morning, we spend the day at that Park so we can get an early jump on the crowds. If Extra Magic Hours are in the evening, we go to a different Park for the day and then hop on over to Extra Magic Hours Park during that time because we have found the crowds usually thin out by the time Extra Magic Hours start.. Sometimes we are surprised and the crowds end up being exactly opposite of what we expected. But, generally speaking, that is our go-to plan for Extra Magic Hours.
I hope that helps you as you plan your upcoming days in the Parks. Please come back if we can help you with anything else. Have a magical day!