Hi Richelle,
Welcome to the Disney Parks Moms Panel, and happy early birthday to you and your daughter! I celebrated my birthday at Walt Disney World last year, and it was truly the most magical day. I'm so excited for you two!
Princess Tiana is one of my family's favorite characters to meet. One time, my son was having a meltdown in Liberty Square, and Tiana walked past in that gorgeous green gown, knelt down to his level, and said smoothly, "hi, babycakes!" The meltdown faded fast, was replaced with a big goofy grin, and he was left with a great memory of that special attention. We even think she blew him a kiss from the Disney Festival of Fantasy Parade a few minutes later!
Tiana's Riverboat Party is on my bucket list, Richelle. Tiana and Naveen sure know how to party, and an ice cream social and cruise on the
Liberty Square Riverboat followed by special parade viewing sounds like pure magic to me. The event went on hold last year while the riverboat was undergoing refurbishment, but the boat is back and it's my hope that the party comes back soon too. My advice is to keep an eye on the
Disney Parks Blog and the
Enchanting Extras Collection web page for updates.
Don't forget that you can still
meet Tiana, along with Rapunzel, at Princess Fairytale Hall. I love meeting both of those smart, adventurous ladies! Be sure to pick up Celebration Buttons for both of you at Guest Relations so you can let the world know it's a very big day.
Wishing you a magical birthday and vacation,