Howdy, Kristin!
Thanks for bringing your question to the Disney Parks Moms Panel. I'm so excited for your upcoming visit to the Disneyland Resort.
It's such a great idea to become aware of the
Disneyland Resort Park Rules. That will help avoid delays in your visit to the parks. At this time, the
resort policy is that “strollers larger than 36" x 52" and wagons are not permitted.” Though I understand you may see reports of these so-called “Stroller Wagons” being used in the parks, the official guidance we have received from Disney Parks Moms Panel administrators is that they are
not permitted at the Disneyland Resort.
There is so much to see and do at the Disneyland Resort, including a great deal of
entertainment offerings appropriate for young children. I understand how easy it can be to tire ourselves out and then need a convenient way to rest and recharge. For our children, we found it convenient to have a
stroller that would allow a sleepy mousketeer to recline. And lately, we have discovered that a brief afternoon nap or swim back at our hotel can be just the right thing to keep everyone happy and energized to enjoy the evening in the parks. That has even been useful for keeping this dad from becoming a Grumpy!
I hope you have a magical time, Kristin!