There’s definitely no harm in understanding the lay of the land, right Robin? I totally agree. Let’s get you set up for success, shall we?
While you can’t order physical
park maps to be delivered ahead of your visit, you can download digital copies and print them at home. One of the perks of doing this is that you can print off as many copies as your heart desires and even share them with your traveling party. That way, each individual can mark up his or her own map to indicate a personalized must-do list for each park.
To print your maps, head over to Right beside the Walt Disney World trademark near the top of the page, you’ll see a tab for “Parks & Tickets.” Hovering your mouse there will drop down a menu that lists the theme parks by name. Click on the name of a park. Look directly underneath the photo on the page that opens for a blue arrow icon. That link will open the guide map you’re after. Feel free to download and print it!
And don't forget to download the
My Disney Experience app before you leave home. It features handy maps that will help you navigate when you arrive.
I hope that helps, Robin! Don’t be a stranger around here; let us know if we can be of further assistance.