Hi, Corinne! Welcome to the Disney Parks Moms Panel!
I’m happy you asked this question! I was just telling my husband yesterday that I wanted to get a henna tattoo on our next trip to Walt Disney World Resort and thought that my 2 girls (currently 7 & 8) would like it too! Seeing as though henna is an all natural temporary ink, there isn’t a minimum age that I am aware of. However, it can take some time to be applied and you have to remain still, which can be difficult for younger children. You will then have to allow it time to dry without touching it, so again a younger child may find that difficult.
You can find a fantastic henna artist at The Art of Henna at the Morocco Pavilion in
Epcot. Here, you can look through a binder of beautiful designs to make your choice. There are traditional designs, and also some hidden Mickeys to be on the lookout for!
Make sure to show off your new henna art in all of your photos by taking advantage of
Memory Maker!
I hope this answers your question and please come and visit us again here soon!