Hi, Connie! Thanks for stopping by planDisney with your question. Let's see if we can get this all ironed out so you can relax and enjoy the day before your vacation!
Okay, it sounds like you've already linked your tickets to your
My Disney Experience account, so let's start there. In the
My Disney Experience app on your phone, look for the Menu button (three horizontal lines) in the bottom right corner of the screen. Click on that, and go to "Tickets and Passes." This is where you can see who each ticket is assigned to. If you need to
change the name on one of them, click on "Reassign Ticket" right under the ticket and expiration date. If you have a
Friends & Family list set up, you can choose a name from the list. Otherwise, you can scroll down to "Add Guest" and type in the info for the person you're assigning the ticket to. When you're finished, you should see the new name on the ticket you just modified.
Now, let's check your reservations. Click the Menu button again and go to "My Plans." All of your Disney Resort hotel reservations, dining reservations, and Disney Park Pass reservations will be listed there. Click on one of your Disney Park Pass reservations and it should show you the names of everyone in your party with a reservation. If the person you just added isn't there, you'll need to try to make a new one. This week is tricky since Spring Break is starting for many school districts here in Florida, but you can give it a try. Go to the
Disney Park Pass page here, make sure you're logged into your account, select the name of the person you're trying to add, then choose the date and Theme Park you want to visit. If there are openings available, you'll be able to confirm the reservation and continue with another one.
Connie, since you had some technical issues, you might want to try
calling Disney's Guest Services number to see if they can help you. Fingers crossed that you have some pixie dust sprinkled your way!
I hope I was able to help, Connie. Wishing you a magical Walt Disney World vacation, and do come back and see us again real soon!
Kathy K.