• On Apr 10, 2022
    Carly from England Asked Please note that experiences, policies, pricing and other offerings are subject to change and may have changed since the date of this answer.

    Hi When will the November 2023 cruises be on sale please? Thanks

    Ahoy there, Carly! Welcome aboard planDisney! I'm so glad you're already making plans to embark on a magical adventure in 2023! 

    I know it can be difficult to wait, but as of now, Disney Cruise Line itineraries are only available through May 2023. It's true that the next batch of itineraries is usually announced around this time of year, I have to remind myself that there's never been a year so jam-packed with such a long season of itineraries leaving from California, a new ship's maiden voyage in the Disney Wish, and some home port changes across the fleet! With all that commotion, I'd suspect we're still a bit far from port, but we're due to see land on the horizon soon! 

    I always like to keep a weather eye on the Disney Parks Blog and the "What's New" section under "Cruise With Disney" on the Disney Cruise Line website for the latest announcements - especially since once new itineraries are released is the best time to book for stateroom availability and (usually) pricing! 

    So while we'll be sitting in the crow's nest a bit longer waiting to yell, "LAND HO," you can always check the dates that are currently available this year to get a sense of what ports, itineraries, and Port Adventures have been available! Just know that you're not the only one itching for those itineraries to be released! My wife and I will be celebrating a milestone anniversary in 2024, so we'll be waiting even longer for that year's itineraries to drop so we can celebrate the best way we know how. So at least you won't be waiting THAT long! 

    I hope that helps TIDE you over, Carly! Thank you so much for your question, and if you think of any others while we all patiently...ok...impatiently wait for June 2023 and beyond, you know where to find me here at planDisney! 

    Until then, may your anchor be tight, and your compass true! 

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Meet the Panelist: Andrew, Missouri

Anchors aweigh! I’m Andrew - but you can call me PLANdrew! I’m a Disney husband and dad who’s been sailing with Disney Cruise Line since I was 15 years old. My family and I have embarked on incredible itineraries around the world, making magical memories on each exciting adventure. So, if “the line where the sky meets the sea calls you," I’m here to be your guide! As Maui would say, “You’re Welcome!” Learn More About Andrew

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