Ahoy, Kim!
Welcome to the Disney Parks Moms Panel! Your little toddling buccaneer is going to have such an incredible time exploring all the fun aboard the Disney Dream! My little cruiser's most recent voyage was on the Disney Dream and he loved splashing and squealing in Nemo's Reef! Disney Cruise Line makes
Traveling with Little Ones a smooth-sailing experience.
You asked a wonderful and important question! Currently, U.S. citizens traveling from a U.S. port and returning to that same U.S. port do not need a valid passport. For children who are under the age of 16 and traveling with their parents, a state-issued birth certificate is all that is required for proof of U.S. citizenship! Guests who are U.S. citizens ages 16 and older, sailing on a round trip voyage beginning and ending in the United States and visiting the Bahamas or Caribbean do not need passports, either. They may travel with a government-issued ID (like a valid driver's license) and a state-issued birth certificate. Before your adventure begins, take a look at the
Passports & Travel Documentation just to make sure you have everything you need!
Kim, although for this particular voyage passports aren't required, I highly recommend each member of your family bringing one. There are so many benefits to having a valid passport while traveling the high seas with Captain Mickey. In the unlikely event of an emergency while visiting another country, you will need a valid passport to fly back home. If you have time before setting sail to each get a passport, it might give you peace of mind during your cruise to paradise!
Thank you so much for stopping by and asking such a great question. I'm wishing you a DREAM-y cruise!