Hiya Vanessa!
Thank you so much for stopping by!
Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party is fun for everyone, and we took our little ones dressed in their Halloween finest on our vacations when they were younger. Your little one is under 3, so she'll get in
free, and still get to enjoy all the tricks and treats as well!
If I could offer a couple of suggestions, I would say
IF you do choose to dress her up, do keep her costume simple and baby-friendly. A little can go a long way in this area. Mine enjoyed their first parties as a 6 month old Tigger (Tigger footie pajamas), a 7 week old pirate (simply a striped bandanna tied around his head with a white tee and blue pants), and as a 4 month black cat (black onesie, leggings, a cat tail and cat ear headband). Super simple, and homemade, except for the Tigger pajamas!
Also, do try to make sure that she has a good nap in prior to the party. We always tried to sleep in the morning following the party as well. Believe it or not, the year we had a 2 year old a 7 week old, we ended up closing the park down! It was quite unbelievable, but they did fantastic!
Have a magical vacation!