Hiya there, Jillian. Welcome to planDisney!
Typically, when looking at the
My Disney Experience mobile app, if you see an attraction as having no standby wait offered, it’s either because the park is not yet open and therefore, the attraction is not open, or it is a ride that only uses a
Virtual Queue. Sometimes if a ride is temporarily closed, it may list the ride as not having a standby wait offered. In the case of a ride like
Big Thunder Mountain, which currently offers a standby line, it is probably because either the park is not yet open or it is temporarily down.
I often find myself looking at the Tip Board on the My Disney Experience mobile app even when I'm not on vacation at the
Walt Disney World Resort. This is where you can see the current wait times to get an idea of which attractions have the highest waits and
when the waits are at their highest. It’s also a good way to gauge which Lightning Lanes you might want to consider reserving if you plan on purchasing
Lightning Lane Multi Pass and/or Lightning Lane Single Pass. If you see an attraction you really want to experience having wait times consistently on the higher side, it's a sign it should be a priority when you are making your reservations!
Don't worry too much, Jillian. While attractions
do go down from time to time, they are often only down for a short period. Cast Members all have the goal to get it open as quickly as possible...and usually do!
If you have any other questions,
please send them my way!
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