Greetings Daye,
Main Street Electrical Parade On-The-Go Dinner Package at Aladdin's Oasis includes a "grab and go" meal with your choice of three entrees plus your voucher for the preferred viewing area.
With the
Grab and Go Package, you actually show up at Aladdin's Oasis (located between the Tiki Room and the Jungle Cruise) and you select from the three options offered that day.
At last check, the options included Lasagna Bolognese, Vegetarian Lasagna or Herb-Marinated Chicken Breast. Kids were able to choose from Grilled Chicken Breast, Spaghetti or Mac and Cheese.
These menu items are subject to change, but I wanted you to have an idea of the different offerings.
By the way, each one of those entrees is VERY good.
Guests can enjoy their food either at an available table within Aladdin's Oasis or find a comfortable spot elsewhere. Many people like to make their way to the parade viewing area and get situated for the awesome presentation.
Have tons of fun and don't forget to take a selfie with Pete's Dragon in the background!
-Anabel M.