Hello, Gabby. My name is Shantel and I will be your Fairy Godmother for the day. Please don’t worry! With the wave of the wand and a few clicks of a button, you will be able to reschedule your
Theme Park Reservations.
What you will want to do first is
log in, to your Disney account. From there select “Ticket and Reservations Details”. That’s where you will be able to see your current reservations. All you will need to do is select the 1 day you are wanting to change and cancel that day only. After you’ve canceled it, you will then be able to reschedule it for the correct day you are wanting to visit in September.
Gabby, I did take a look at the
Availability calendar and do see plenty of availability in September. So your switch shouldn’t be a problem. After your days have been sorted out, you will be good to go! I just can’t wait to see what
sorts of adventures you have. Have the most incredible visit and please be sure to
let us know if there’s anything else we can help with.
Say hello to Mickey for me!