Greetings Camila,
Oh, my goodness! Your magical trip is just around the corner. It will be here before you can say "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!" I am sure you are looking forward to all the extra festive holiday experiences that await you.
I am delighted to hear that you will be attending
Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party. It happens to be one of my favorite special events. You will be filled with the spirit of the season while laughing and enjoying the perks of the park late at night. While I am glad you were able to get a reservation at the very popular
Be Our Guest Restaurant that evening, I feel that you might miss Holiday Wishes Fireworks Spectacular. The several times I have dined at Be Our Guest, we have been there a minimum of an hour. So, I would recommend seeing if you can modify your reservation time. I cannot guarantee this will be possible since this is an extremely sought after dining location.
I hope you are able to make something work and experience both, but regardless, I wish you the happiest of trips with your loved ones. Safe travels and have a jolly holiday!
~Allison L