Hi Tiffany!
Since my son has multiple food allergies, I can tell you that Walt Disney World Resort has done a fantastic job of accommodating his
Special Diet so that he can have a tasty and safe vacation. As you are accommodating multiple food allergies, I first recommend that you contact the Special Diets Team at Special.Diets@DisneyWorld.com at least two weeks prior to your trip. They will be able to give you more detailed information about accommodating your daughters' specific allergies at the restaurants you will be enjoying. In my experience, I have found that chefs at table service restaurants have all gone above and beyond to make sure my son has incredible meals. My little guy was thrilled with some of the amazing plates they brought out for him!
While Walt Disney World Resort now has
allergy-friendly menus at quick service and table service restaurants throughout the resort, I have found that they are focused on allergies to the "top 8" allergens and these menus are also not published online. Even though my son can usually find safe options, I always bring a few safe foods with me for my son, just in case. He will have one of my snacks at the start of the meal when the bread is not safe. Also, safe treats can be difficult to find. So I try to bring some safe treats along with me, such as safe fruit snacks or candy that he does not get at home, so he can feel special during our vacation too. Keep an eye out for the new
Snacks with Character treats. My little guys loved the Enjoy Life Sugar Cookies!
Please let me know if you have any other questions! T-T-F-N, ta ta for now!
~Crystal B.