Hi, Jenni!
You must be so excited for your upcoming trip to Walt Disney World! It's right around the corner!
For specific information regarding showtimes at the various parks, I always go Walt Disney World's website, then click on the park in question. Once there, select "Calendar" from the list on the left side, where you'll find a monthly calendar for that park. Then, click on the specific day in question and you'll see a listing of everything that's scheduled thus far. For example, I selected Saturday, December 8th, 2012
Calendar for Magic Kingdom, just to show you what you can find by doing so yourself.
You'll find many times listed on such pages, so have fun exploring!
In addition, if you have a smart phone, download the free APP My Disney Experience, which will also provide you with both a list and a map of such events throughout the parks. It's such a convenient way to map out your day right there on your phone.
Send more questions as you think of them, Jenni! We love to help!