Hiya Stephanie,
Welcome to planDisney! I want to start by thanking you for your husband’s service. Guests with military backgrounds hold a special place in my heart as the child of two veterans, and I am honored to help answer your question today.
As I’m sure you can imagine, Stephanie, policies and eligibility guidelines for special offers (especially military special offers) are frequently updated so I wanted to make sure to find the most current information. I dug a little deeper and determined that veterans discharged with a DD-214 do qualify for the ability to purchase
Magic Your Way tickets and to stay at Shades of Green during select months at a discounted rate; however, as a surviving spouse, the DD-214 likely wouldn’t extend to you. That said, I wanted to confirm so I also spoke to someone in the attraction ticket office at Shades of Green. I subscribe to the philosophy that it never hurts to ask! Their advice was for you to
reach out to them so they can gather more information and advise you further.
I hope this helps point you in the right direction, Stephanie. Before I let you go, if you are not eligible for military discounts, I recommend checking the
Special Offers page to see what other discounts may be available for early fall. There is a
deal on select resort hotel stays five nights or longer that you may qualify for, and there is always a chance that more deals will be released in the coming months, so definitely check back. Also, please come back and see us if you need anything else.
Happy Planning,
Ashley F.