Hey there, Kyra!
Bienvenue chez planDisney! I’m always thrilled to connect with another royal fan of Princess Tiana, so I'll be happy to help you dig a little deeper into keeping up with the newest restaurant in
New Orleans Square!!
I’m gonna take you all the way down to the
Disney Parks Bog..I mean, Blog, for the most up-to-date information. I also find that the
Disney Parks Instagram page posts the latest news and developments, so they’re definitely worth a follow.
I’m sure that you’re already aware that the French Market and Mint Julep bar will close in February. I know I’m planning to be there
to say goodbye on in the 16th, but I know it's only for a short time, since Tiana’s Palace is clearly set to emerge with style by the end of this year!
Dare I say it, we're
Almost There!In the meanwhile, did you know that
Eudora’s Chic Boutique Featuring Tiana’s Gourmet Secrets opened last fall, Kyra? I find it to be such a charming little stop tucked behind the
Blue Bayou. My sister picked up a beautiful porcelain beignet platter from here as a gift. The
Disneyland Park sure is getting all the ingredients together for blue skies and sunshine, guaranteed!
I hope this answers your question about how to stay in the loop so that you can be among the first guests to dine at Tiana’s Palace, Kyra. I can’t wait to hear from you and your crew as you plan on
goin’ down the bayou once we all have the opportunity to dine at Tiana’s Palace, so
come on back when you think of any more questions now that you’ve got friends on the other side!