Mom and daughter on Expedition Everest; Animal Kingdom
  • On Sep 21, 2009
    Barbara from PA Asked Note: This answer was provided prior to the change to planDisney and may still contain references to Disney Parks Moms Panel.

    Experiences, policies, pricing and other offerings are subject to change and may have changed since the date of this answer.

    I'm traveling in 2 weeks with my 8 & 5 yr old daughters and husband. I suggested to hubby to pick up cheap umbrella stroller for my 5 year old in case she gets tired by end of day. Good idea?

    Hi Barbara!

         You are such a wise Disney World planner!!!  Exploring the theme parks involves a LOT of walking and nearly all kids will get tired at some point or another.  (Including the kids at heart!)  Umbrella strollers can be picked up so cheaply these days - I've seen them as low as $9.99 plus tax at discount stores, such as Wal-Mart.  On the other hand, the umbrella strollers for sale on Disney property sell for around $40!

         You can always pass along the stroller to a family at Disney World or donate it when you return home.  You can also rent more comfortable strollers from companies such as and have them delivered to your resort.  However, the strollers available for rent at the theme parks on not very large and the prices have gotten pretty outrageous.  Whatever you decide, a stroller is definitely the way to "roll!!!"

    Much pixie dust,

    Jackie S.
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Meet the Panelist: Jackie, Louisiana

Yes, I'm the one behind you in the grocery store checkout line. You know, the one that lets you know why you simply HAVE to stay on property and laughs when you say that you are going to visit Disney World AND Epcot... Yes, that crazy lady is me! Learn More About Jackie

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