Hi Kathie!
What an awesome Grandmother you are planning an exciting Halloween for your Granddaughter. Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party (MNSSHP) is one of my all-time favorite events at the Magic Kingdom.
You know your granddaughter better than anyone. She may want to get her make over earlier at the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique (BBB) so that she can feel like a Princess all day. However, it may be refreshing for her to visit BBB later so that she gets a little break and down time from the park before MNSSHP begins. She may enjoy feeling like she gets dressed up for trick or treating for the party.
MNSSHP is a special event that is held on select evenings from 7 p.m. - midnight and does require a separate event ticket. If you are planning to go to the Magic Kingdom during the day and attend MNSSHP that evening, you will need a regular admission ticket during the day and a special event ticket for that evening. This could make for a long day for a 5 year old so keep that in mind when you're making reservations at BBB.
October 31st will be an extremely popular date for MNSSHP and will likely sell out quickly. Keep your eyes open for tickets going on sale. Last year, tickets went on sale for the 2012 dates on May 1, 2012 so we may see an announcement any day now. Here's what I'd recommend: Keep your eyes on the
Disney Parks Blog for an announcement. If you're on twitter, be sure to follow @DisneyParks and @WaltDisneyWorld. You may want to look out for #MNSSHP on twitter as well. You can also keep your eyes on the official
Walt Disney World Facebook page.
Please feel free to visit us with all of your planning questions. We're hEAR to help!
Wishing you minnie magical memories :-) Allison