Hey there, John! Welcome to planDisney. It sounds like you're in for a real fun trip; nothing beats sharing the magic of Disney with others.
John, it's a great idea to add a payment card through
My Disney Experience as it helps make your time in the parks more efficient - allowing you to use
Mobile Food & Beverage Ordering, for example.
Walt Disney World accepts all major credit cards. The acceptability of any other payment card will be on a case-by-case basis. I am happy to let you know that you can link your card before your arrival date, so you'll know, in advance, if that card is o.k. for use. I'm also happy to say on our last trip, we successfully linked a pre-loaded global card to our account, which helped us avoid accumulating international credit card fees.
To add a payment card and check if yours will work, please sign in to My Disney Experience. After clicking on 'profile,' scroll down and select 'payment method.' Click on the '+' icon, and after following the next prompted steps, you should be good to go!
Another alternative you may like, if avoiding repeated international fees is the goal, would be to make a single purchase of a
Disney Gift Card - you can link this in My Disney Experience too.
John, I hope this information helps you, and if you need anything further ahead of your Walt Disney World extravaganza, I'm here. Louise