Welcome, Andrea!
Your Prince Charming being overwhelmed by crowds is a very valid concern, especially if he is hoping to get a great view of you as you race by. Here are some locations to spectate with lower crowd levels.
• The Transportation & Ticket Center (mile 4). This location would allow him to access the Monorail to Epcot so he could potentially find you at the finish.
• Near Disney's Grand Floridian Resort & Spa and Disney's Polynesian Village Resort (mile 7). This location would also allow him Monorail access.
• The resort bus transportation location at Epcot (mile 12). At this location, he would be able to walk across the parking lot and find you at the finish.
I also want to suggest you sign up for Runner Tracking. This is a free service that sends your split times directly to your husband's phone via text. So, for example, if he chose the second option above, his phone would alert him that you have just crossed the 10K split (6.2 miles) and he would know you were getting close to him, making it a little easier to spot you! To sign up, visit the runDisney website about a week prior to race day and select the
SPECTATORS tab. From there, select the Runner Tracking tab to register. This is a great tool for your husband to know where you are on the course in relation to when he can spot you.
There is even more advice available on that tab for runner viewing.
Due to road closures and other race morning logistics creating a plan can be difficult, and I would love to help provide a very specific plan! Are you staying on-property, Andrea? Or will you be driving in? Please let me know and we can work out all the logistics. I hope this information helps to give you starting point.
Hope to hear from you again soon!