Hello there, Miranda. Thanks for reaching out to us today with your very important question!
Walt Disney World Resort has a variety of services available to those who need them to ensure everyone has a wonderful visit. And the people who make this place magical, the
Cast Members, are dedicated to helping each person feel welcome. Be sure to check out the recently updated
Accessibility page that highlights all of the services available to Guests.
Guests who would like to discuss their needs and whether they will qualify for the
Disability Access Service should
schedule a call with a Cast Member. You can do this up to 30 days in advance of your visit. Until May 20, 2024, Guests who do not speak with a Cast Member virtually will have the option to speak with one at a
Guest Relations location when they arrive at the parks. However, starting May 20, 2024, all Guests will need to speak with a Cast Member virtually as they will no longer be able to register at Guest Relations. If you're already at the resort, you can have the virtual chat on your smartphone.
On this call, you'll have a discussion with a friendly Cast Member about your needs and concerns. The Cast Member will give you suggestions as to how to best navigate the parks based on your husband's specific needs. If he qualifies for the Disability Access Service, they will also set that up for you. Please note that if he qualifies, up to 3 other Guests will be able to use the service with him (for a total of up to 4 Guests) or enough to include the members of your immediate family. The Cast Member will go over the details with you on the call. Just note that for each attraction you register for, the Guest who qualifies for the service must be riding for the party to experience the attraction through the service.
Miranda, if you have any other questions,
please feel free to reach out.
Venture outside your comfort zone,