Welcome to the Disney Parks Moms Panel Paige ~
I completely understand your daughter getting tired. The parks are big and you are always on the "go" in them. I love a good nap when I am at Disney.
There are
stroller rentals, wheelchair, and ECV rentals available in the parks.
Wagons and carts are not permitted in the parks. You may want to consider a renting a double stroller which would give her more room to lay back a bit and rest.
I always took my boys to a quiet spot away from the hustle and bustle of the park and gave them some down time. In the summer, we seek out attractions like The Hall of Presidents or Carousel of Progress in the Magic Kingdom. These are less stimulating for a lot of small children and gets them out of the sun and heat for a bit. The fairy boat from the Magic Kingdom to the Transportation and Ticket Center (TTC) has always been calming especially in the afternoons when fewer Guests are traveling to and from the Magic Kingdom.
We have also left the Magic Kingdom and taken a few laps on the Monorail. If you are at Epcot, the Monorail loop to the TTC is a nice long ride and my boys have fallen asleep a few times.
Innoventions at Epcot has several areas you can tuck away for some down time.
If you are close enough to your resort, you may consider heading back and taking a break in the afternoon for some down time. It is amazing how refreshed you are when you return to the parks later.
Please feel free to visit us again with all of your planning questions. We are hEAR to help you!
Wishing you minnie magical memories :-) Allison V.