Hi there, Dolly!
Each time you redeem meals or snacks from your Disney Dining Plan, the server or cashier will provide you with a receipt showing the meals and snacks remaining on your Disney Dining Plan.
Even more specifically, after you dine, your party’s remaining meals for that meal type (Table-Service, Quick- Service or Snack) will be printed on the receipt.
If, for example, your party of four (4) started with 20 counter-service meals and everyone in the party used one (1) counter-service meal, your paid receipt from the cashier would indicate a balance of 16 counter-service meals for the remainder of your reservation.
You can also contact your Resort concierge at any time for your meal plan balance.
Please remember that all unused meals expire at midnight on your reservation check-out date.
See you later, celebrator,
-Deborah B.