Welcome aboard, Samantha!
Thanks for sailing by planDisney with a very important question about medication on your upcoming sailing. I’m happy to share my experience with injectable medication onboard
Disney Cruise Line to help you understand what to expect. You’re smart to reach out and think ahead, but please know this shouldn’t be a concern and with just a few safeguards in place you should have smooth sailing!
chatted with a friendly Disney Crew Member today to verify, and they continue to recommend that you bring documentation of the prescription itself. In my experience, this just means the official label on the bottle (or box, for your injections) that shows a physician has given the medication to you. If you no longer have this original packaging or documented prescriber information, please just be sure that your medication has the original label on it (if an injectable pen, the medication brand name and strength) and that it’s
secured in your carry-on bag rather than your checked luggage. You may also take a photo of this prescription information and bring that with you if it doesn’t make sense to bring the physical packaging on your trip. If your injectable medication must stay cold, you can purchase a travel case online with a small ice pack and keep this case in your carry-on bag. Once your stateroom is ready, you’ll find a refrigerator ready to safely store your medication for the duration of your cruise. Every Disney Cruise Line stateroom also has a
sharps container provided – this is standard and doesn’t require an additional request. You’ll find this in your stateroom bathroom when you arrive for safe disposal of your injection needle or pen when complete.
It’s easy to get away from reality in the excitement of a cruise and
all the onboard activities, Samantha! I recommend setting a reminder or alarm on your phone for the day you need to take this once weekly injection, especially if it falls later in your cruise when you're deep in "vacation mode." I love to escape from my routines onboard but some important things need to stay on track so I find a technology reminder can help.
You’re going to have an amazing time on your upcoming cruise! Please let our planDisney crew know if you have any other concerns or would like additional tips to make the most of this special sailing. I hope this information for your medication gives you peace of mind and helps you pack appropriately with no additional worries on your voyage.
Wishing you a magical cruise,