Hi there, Judy! So nice to hear from you again! Your trip is finally RIGHT around the corner! I'll bet you're getting so excited!
You must be talking about the current promotional ticket deal offered at
Disneyland.com. If so, you are correct...this particular offer does have blackout restrictions and these tickets cannot be used on or between March 30 and April 15th.
If you are leaving in two weeks, chances are that you will be arriving after April 15th, in which case the blockout dates will not be an issue. It doesn't appear that weekends are blocked out with these promotional tickets...only during the specified blockout dates which do not apply to your travel dates.
If you aren't comfortable taking the dive on my word alone, I would recommend giving the friendly folks at Disneyland ticketing a call to discuss the specifics of this special promotional ticket deal (714)781-4565.
Have a most magical Disneyland vacation, and please let me know if I can answer any last minute questions!
-Amanda F.