Hi Shauna,
CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is awesome! Don't be overwhelmed - we're here to help!
Let me get a little more info from you so that I can assist you. What dates are you coming in June? What is included in "all expense paid" - meals, tickets, etc. Do the tickets include theme parks only or water parks? How old is your son? Do you have any particular parks in mind that you want to visit?
I'll give you some info to get you started & wait for your response. The Contemporary Resort is an AMAZING located next door to the Magic Kingdom & along the monorail line.
Dining reservations can be made 180 days in advance so many locations may be booked - don't panic - there may still be reservations available. There are also lots of counter service & locations that do not require reservations. Click
here for a list of locations. If reservations are accepted you can try booking online at the listed link or by calling 407-WDW-DINE. You can also try walking up at locations that do accept reservations - you may not get in but its worth a try.
here for some info that may assist your son.
here for info on how to find park hours, parade & firework schedules.
We'll work through this and you'll have an incredible trip! Wishing you many magical memories :-) Allison